Repost with Attributes!
Although I do allow reposting, I have a few rules...
- Don't repost an item without crediting me or the original creator.
- Don't call the item your own. In fact, don't even think about saying that you worked on it. At least, if you didn't work on it.
If it's made by me...
- If it is a YTP of a video or animation, you do not have to credit me. I do appreciate it, though!
- The proper attributions are:
(ↄ) (the year the item was made) Aleph Diallo (or the creator of the item).
(Item name) by Aleph Diallo (or the creator of the item).
(95 rules later... /j)
- Blah, blah, blah, blah, do whatever the fuck you want with it!